Matthew Dawson is just one of many success stories for AFC Fylde Community Foundation’s ‘Fylde Focus’ project.

Matthew was referred to ‘Fylde Focus’ from St Anne’s Job Centre.
When Natasha Green, our Employment and Skills Co-ordinator, first met up with Matthew they discussed the project and the different ways the Foundation could support him.
Matthew disclosed to Natasha that he suffers with mental health issues and he believes that was the main reason stopping him from gaining employment.
Both of them would regularly meet up in various different cafe’s around St Anne’s to discuss his options going forward. Natasha outlined that the best option for him would most likely be employment but they also looked at potential courses for him to gain extra qualifications.
They eventually arrived at the conclusion of attending a coffee morning at Blackpool Fire Station hosted by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, regarding their 12-week Prince’s Trust programme and what activities are apart of it, in the belief that it would build his confidence back up.
The 19-year-old made the decision to apply for the programme and with Natasha’s help, he submitted his application which was swiftly approved.
Since starting the programme, Matthew has said: “It’s the best thing I have ever done.
“The activities have been great and I have made lots of new friends which has helped with my mental health and confidence.”

Natasha has also stated: “Fylde Focus is a brilliant project to be apart of because it provides us the opportunity to help people like Matthew rediscover themselves.


“It is a pleasure to have helped Matthew do something he is enjoying so much, he is a great young lad and I hope this is the first step of a positive future for him.”

If you believe yourself or someone you know could benefit from our Fylde Focus project, please email: