AFC Fylde Community Foundation organise a Football Rehabilitation programme for people over the age of 18.
The project was set up to allow participants who are in need of further support to take part in a light paced football session, to improve their joint and muscle pain, as well as their mental wellbeing.
The sessions take place every Wednesday 12:00-13:00 at Fylde Sports and Education Centre. Free refreshments are on offer after the session has concluded to encourage the participants to stay and socialise with like-minded people.
Shaun Adams, a member of the Fylde Borough, believes he has seen significant improvement in both his physical and mental health since he first started attending the group.
Shaun said: “I was an in-patient at Wesham Hospital Rehabilitation Centre for at least 12 months, I left in October last year. Since then I have been continuing my recovery regarding mental health illnesses.”
The 30-year-old is grateful to have discovered these sessions when he did: “One of the staff members found out about it whilst I was at Wesham hospital and told me, so I thought why not give it a go. I’ve been coming here most weeks for a year and two months now.
“I’m currently off work on sick leave but hopefully I’ll be returning to my job at One-Stop soon, where I have been for three years.”
“My family and friends definitely see a difference in me since when I started and now. I would definitely recommend the project to other people as it has been very beneficial for me.”
Shaun also said: “It has helped me physically because we get to run about and play football and it has also helped me mentally because I’ve made some friends.
“I met them through the programme but I also see them every now and again outside of it.”
Before his setbacks, Shaun “went to Manchester Metropolitan University to complete a degree in maths,” and now that he is well and truly on the right path to recovery, we hope Sean will be able to get back in touch with the best version of himself soon.
Our Community Development Co-ordinator, Scott Harries emphasises the great work the programme provides: “The football rehabilitation session has been running for a year now and is a great opportunity for participants to socialise, exercise and get away from the stresses of everyday life.
Shaun is a great example of someone who has really benefitted from attending and it is great to see the progress he has made over the last few months.
Although he has now left Wesham’s Rehabilitation unit, we are delighted that he still makes the effort to come down which shows great motivation and highlights just how much he enjoys the sessions.”
The programme is in partnership with ActiveLancs, Wesham Rehabilitation Unit, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Trust, New You and Lancashire Challenge through Sport Initiative.
If you believe yourself or anyone else you know could benefit from this project like Shaun has, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Email: [email protected] for more information.